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Anzahl Fahrradtage

Hollands alte Städte Tour

...ful countryside, quaint cities, an all around beautiful experience. The rain that came in time passed...  we did pull into Den Haag pretty thoroughly soaked...  just a memory now!...

Zeeland Insel Tour

...Die Routenbeschreibungen und Karten sind bei anderen Anbietern professionell und nicht nur Ausdrucke aus Open Street Map. Sehenswürdigkeiten sind ausführlicher bei anderen Anbietern beschrieben. Tolle Tagestouren, abwechslungsreiche Tour, gpx-Dateien zum Runterladen waren sehr ordentlich ausgearbeitet...  [...]

Strand und Städte Tour

...Die schönste Route war der Start von Utrecht nach Amsterdam, aber auch alles weiteren Routen durch das grüne Herz der Niederlande mit den Kanälen hat uns begeistert. Was für uns ebeso erstaulich war, waren die Radwege und die Rücksichtnahme der Autofahrer. So etwas gibt es in Deutschland leider noch nicht. [...]

Prinzen und Maler Tour

...The trip was very well organized and the company. Was very responsive in and outside of office hours...

Hollands alte Städte Tour

...We finished and we lived!  Lost many times, gps crashed a few, but that is part of adventure. Room phenomenal, Dutch people great, other than in big cities, routes were excellent...

IJsselmeer Tour

...All accommodation and food was very good - the hotel and food in Hoorn were particularly so...

Prinzen und Maler Tour

...Trayectos muy agradables y fáciles para andar en bici. Ciudades con mucho encanto. Hoteles y la logística perfecta. [...]

Familien Budget: Strand, Städte und Schlösser Tour

...We are back home from our bike tour and I just wanted to share that it was a great experience! We thoroughly enjoyed the bike tour and also the StayOkay hostels...

IJsselmeer Tour

...Reise rund ums IJsselmeer ist ein Erlebnis. Die Weiten des Frieslands, das Meer und das gesamte Wassersystem in Holland finden wir immer wieder spannend. Die gepflegten Gärten und Häuser, ganz besonders schön finden wir die Strohdachhäuser. [...]

Amsterdam - Brügge

...We’re back after a wonderful trip. Thank you so much for setting up the bike ride. The Netherlands are so perfect for biking and the scenery, food, and the people were fantastic. [...]

Nord Holland entdecken

...The ferry trip to Marken from Volendam and cycling round the island were very pleasant. There was a lot of wonderful bird life on the Polders...

Rad und Schiff Amsterdam-Brügge

...The Magnifique iii ship was fantastic, the crew extremely helpfull and friendly. The ride was easy, the routes very interesting. We had a wonderful time!... [...]

Strand und Städte Tour

...Es war eine  schöne Reise durch Teile  von Holland. Die Wege waren  sehr gut und das bestellte Wetter auch... 

Sand und Meer Tour

...Cycling through the wetlands, hearing the birds, and being on dedicated cycle lanes, and talking with the friendly and helpful Dutch people...

Die grüne Mitte von Holland

...Kinderdijk was great, I enjoyed wandering around Gouda during the market and Oudewater - the witches weigh house was unique! I enjoyed the whole route, it was very varied and left me feeling that I really experienced what this country has to offer. The cycling distance struck a nice balance - it was leisurely while also giving a sense of achievement at the end. [...]
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